I'm a writer. But that doesn't make me any less of an artist as someone who paints. Artists create worlds with words, with color. We create. We inspire. We share art in our own ways. Mine is with a pencil. Yours may be a brush.

Age 27, Female

Joined on 11/15/16

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Log Entry

Posted by KittyNeff - September 13th, 2019

  • Word count: 400
  • Genre: Science Fiction
  • Character: An old man in love
  • Material: A wooden cross
  • Sentence: “Repeat after me.”
  • Bonus: Your character has lost someone dear.

Year 2108

It’s raining for the first time in 7 years today. You could hear the thunder even from deep inside the base. It started flooding, seeping down to the lowest floor. It’s going to be difficult to clean up if it keeps coming down. I had too move the supplies up so they didn’t get ruined. It took longer than usual now that Doyle isn’t around. But I can’t stop. I must keep going for the team. Repeat after me. Keep going. Keep surviving. Hoping for a better tomorrow.

A rather large crack of thunder struck just now. Rattled the base. The team’s portrait is crooked on the wall and my lamp fell from the table. I hope lightning doesn’t strikes the base. The walls are barely holding themselves together as it is. I’ve seen plenty of storms in my life, but this one is by far the biggest. It might last for a few days. Maybe it will finally clear the air. It would be nice to breath fresh air again. The musky air of the base if finally getting to me. I want to see the sky again. And not through that obnoxious gas mask.

Catlene would have loved this storm. We used to sit and listen to  the rain pound the base until it was over. She liked the thunder. One time, she turned the water dripping from the roof into a musical instrument. She made a new song every time. I can still hear her singing echoing off the cracking concrete. Captain Defoe would yell at her for using the supplies for something like that. I miss her, but I’m sure she’s waiting for me to join her. As are the rest of our team.

When the rain stops, I’ll have to check on their crosses above ground. I pray they didn’t float away. Wood has become hard to come by. I’d make them out of the empty metal crates if I had the strength. Its been so long since I made something with my hands. They shake too much now. I used to carve some of the most intricate things for Catlene. She loved to decorate the base with them. You can still find them around, but I buried most of them with her. I hope she still has them, where ever she is. Decorated the new pearly base with them.

Signed, Garrett Terrell




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