I'm a writer. But that doesn't make me any less of an artist as someone who paints. Artists create worlds with words, with color. We create. We inspire. We share art in our own ways. Mine is with a pencil. Yours may be a brush.

Age 27, Female

Joined on 11/15/16

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Posted by KittyNeff - September 13th, 2019

  • Word count: 450
  • Genre: Romance
  • Character: A mover
  • Material: A microscope
  • Sentence: “Aren’t you afraid?”
  • Bonus: Your character has a world-changing idea.

“Did someone call a mover?” They stepped into the lab, announcing their presence.

“Yes, I did.” The scientist mused at them.

“Where should I start?”

“Anywhere is fine, just don’t touch that desk, I’m still using it.” They pointed to the table with a tall microscope on it.

“Isn’t it time you move on?” The mover watched the scientist frantically pass between the microscope and the notebook beside it.

“I can’t until I figure out what went wrong.” The scientist not bothering to looking up.

The mover continued boxing up the lab around the scientist. “Yeah, but maybe there’s no way for it to go right.” The mover pointed out.

“How can you say that!?” The scientist jumped up from the desk to face the mover. “If I can’t find out what happened, I’ll lose everything. And not just be moved to a smaller lab, but be completely removed from the project altogether.” Worry struck their face. “Wouldn’t you be afraid of losing your livelihood?”

The mover stared dumbstruck. “Of course I wouldn’t want to lose my job, but my job doesn’t define me. It’s not what I live for.” the mover grips the scientist shoulders. “You’re so obsessed with your job, aren’t you afraid of losing more than that? Afraid of losing me?” the mover stared into the scientist’s eyes pleading for an answer. “Aren’t you afraid?”

The scientist lays their hands on the movers forearms, thinking deeply about that they just said. Coming to a realization, “I’m sorry,” they rest their head against the mover’s chest. “Your right.” They took a deep, calming breath. “I’m scared. Scared you’ll leave me if I don’t make any progress. Scared you’ll think I’m a failure for giving up after only one disaster.”

“I would never leave you when I know you need me.” the mover wraps their arms around the scientist. “I"ll always be here for you. Whether you stay or go, I just want to know the person I love is safe and happy.”

They stood in silence, taking in each other’s warmth for a moment before the scientist spoke again. “I want to continue this project, but I’ll make sure to do so in a safer way. This project could change the world, I could help us with what we’ve been struggling with. I want that future with you more than anything. I’m confident I can make it happen.”

“I know you can solve this. I just don’t want you risking your life for the possibility of creating another. You don’t have to change the world, I just want you to continue to be in mine.” The mover held the scientist tighter. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”




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